Electrolysis delivers exceptional, 100% irreversible results. Discover our electrolysis treatment, an exclusive and proven effective method for removing all types of hair.

At SSSKIN, we recommend electrolysis for small areas to complement your laser treatment.

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L'électrolyse offre des résultats exceptionnels et 100% définitifs. Découvrez notre solution d'épilation électrique, une méthode exclusive et efficace sur tous les types de poils.

Chez SSSKIN, nous conseillons l'électrolyse pour l'épilation des petites zones, et pour compléter les résultats d'un traitement laser.

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Soft, wonderfully smooth skin 

Electrolysis hair removal leaves the skin soft and pleasant to the touch.

Prevents paradoxical hair growth

By treating hair in its regrowth phase, the risk of paradoxical growth is excluded. 

Has 100% efficacy on all hair types 

All hairs will be removed, including both light & dark hairs, as well as fine & dense hairs.

No skin damage 

Electrolysis hair removal targets hair follicles directly, without damaging the skin's surface.

Less sweating 

Help reduce excessive sweating problems.


L'épilation par électrolyse est considérée comme la seule méthode d'épilation 100% définitive. Elle s'effectue en envoyant une impulsion électrique directement dans le follicule pileux à l'aide d'une fine aiguille ou d’un microfilament. Cette décharge électrique crée une réaction chimique provoquant ainsi la désintégration définitive du poil. Le thérapeute procède ensuite à l’extraction de chaque poil à l'aide d'une pince à épiler, ce qui démontre la précision et l’efficacité de cette technique.

Plusieurs séances sont nécessaires pour éliminer efficacement tous les poils compte tenu du cycle pilaire. Notez que l’opération n’est efficace que durant la phase de croissance du poil (anagène).

L’électrolyse peut s'effectuer seule ou en complément à d'autres traitements d'épilation, notamment l'épilation laser.

Efficace et adaptée à tous les types de peau et de poils, elle peut être pratiquée tout au long de l'année, contrairement à l’épilation laser qui est contre-indiquée en été.

Read more about our technologies


Electrolysis is considered to be the only method that is 100% permanent. The process consists of sending an electrical impulse directly into the hair follicle using a thin needle or microfilament. This electrical current triggers a chemical reaction that permanently decomposes the hair. The therapist then extracts each hair with tweezers. This technique is both precise and effective.

Several sessions are required to effectively remove all hairs, considering the hair cycle. Note that the procedure is only effective during the anagen phase of hair growth. 
Electrolysis can be carried out alone or in combination with laser or other hair removal treatments. 

It's effective and suitable for all skin and hair types, and can be used all year round, unlike laser hair removal, which is not recommended during summer time.

Read more about our technologies


Electrolysis is the ultimate permanent solution for all hair types

The greatest advantage of electrolysis is that it's suitable for all hair types and colors, including light-colored hair that cannot be treated with laser, such as white, gray, red, or blond hair. And with electrolysis, hormone-sensitive body areas are not stimulated, so there's no risk of paradoxical hair growth.

Electrolysis hair removal is the perfect complement to laser hair removal 

Electrolysis can complement a laser hair removal treatment to definitively get rid of any stubborn remaining hair, notably the very finest ones. Electrolysis also treats areas that cannot be treated with laser, including hormone-dependent areas such as the linea alba, umbilical line, chest, thorax, cheeks, and chin.  


At SSSKIN, we recommend electrolysis, mainly as a complementary treatment to laser hair removal, to get rid of any persistent, light-colored, or downy hair for good. As electrolysis is a fairly long and painful treatment, it is mainly recommended for small areas.
As mentioned above, we also use electrolysis in areas that are contraindicated for laser hair removal, in particular hormone-dependent areas.

A 30-minute session

From99.50 CHF

You can book a 30-minute electrolysis hair removal session from only 99.50 CHF per session.

A 1-hour session

From190 CHF

You can book a 1-hour electrolysis hair removal session from only 199 CHF per session.

SSSKIN, where Swiss expertise and luxury skincare meet.

Why not try our services and judge for yourself?



1st consultation - free and with no obligation 

A free initial consultation with one of our therapists is necessary in order to perform a complete diagnosis of your skin and hair. The goal is to evaluate if the treatment is suitable for the areas you wish to treat. At the end of the session, the therapist will prepare a personalized treatment plan tailored to your needs.


Before the beginning of the treatment 

To make your sessions as comfortable as possible, you can play movies on our virtual reality headsets or listen to music on one of our luxurious Bang & Olufsen headsets.


During the session 

The therapist starts by disinfecting the area to be treated, before adjusting the parameters of the machine and deciding on the type of filament to be used. Once this is done, the therapist can proceed with hair removal.


After each hair removal session 

Following each session, you may experience some swelling, light scabbing, and redness. However, these generally disappear within 24 to 48 hours. It is essential to avoid sun exposure, rubbing, or touching the treated area during this time, since the post-treatment phase is very important for boosting skin regeneration.


Results at the end of treatment 

At SSSKIN, we guarantee up to 95% hair removal. Electrolysis hair removal requires fewer sessions, and the interval between sessions is often shorter than with laser hair removal.


To ensure safe and effective treatment, please avoid:

  • Sun exposure for at least 2 weeks before and after treatment.
  • Perfume, deodorant, or self-tanning products two weeks before treatment.
  • Taking photosensitizing medications: antibiotics, hormonal medications and roaccutane.
  • Waxing, threading, or tweezing for at least 4 weeks before treatment, to preserve the hair root.
  • Natural fillers and botox injections for 2 to 6 weeks prior to treatment.
  • Pregnant or breast-feeding women cannot undergo laser hair removal. 

Book a free consultation


To ensure safe and effective treatment, please avoid:

  • Sun exposure for at least 2 weeks before and after treatment.
  • Perfume, deodorant, or self-tanning products two weeks before treatment.
  • Taking photosensitizing medications: antibiotics, hormonal medications and roaccutane.
  • Waxing, threading, or tweezing for at least 4 weeks before treatment, to preserve the hair root.
  • Natural fillers and botox injections for 2 to 6 weeks prior to treatment.
  • Pregnant or breast-feeding women cannot undergo laser hair removal. 

Book a free consultation


Here, you'll find answers to all your questions about laser hair removal.

  • Is permanent laser hair removal safe? ​
  • Is permanent laser hair removal painless?​
  • Is laser or Intense Pulsed Light hair removal more effective? 

Find all questions here​


Here, you'll find answers to all your questions about laser hair removal.

  • Is permanent laser hair removal safe? ​
  • Is permanent laser hair removal painless?​
  • Is laser or Intense Pulsed Light hair removal more effective? 

Find all questions here​


How does electrolysis hair removal work?

This hair-removal method consists of inserting a microfilament or very fine needle into the hair follicle and releasing an electric discharge to permanently destroy the hair bulb. This method treats each hair separately, making it time-consuming but highly effective. 

Yes, it can. If you'd like to get rid of any remaining hair growth after your laser treatment, you can do so with electrolysis. At SSSKIN, you can complement your laser treatment with a series of sessions of electrolysis to achieve 100% permanent hair removal! 

Electrolysis is suitable for all skin and hair types, including white, gray, and blond hair, which cannot be treated by IPL or laser. Electrolysis hair removal can be performed on any part of the body, even on tattooed skin.

Electrolysis is also suitable for areas that are less responsive to laser treatment, particularly hormone-dependent areas such as the face and bust.

To optimize the results, the treatment should be carried out when the hair is in its growth phase, which is why several sessions are needed to remove all the hair. Approximately six sessions are required, spaced 10 days to 5 weeks apart. However, more sessions may be necessary, depending on the host's needs and the surfaces to be treated.

Our qualified and experienced therapists welcome you warmly and are ready to offer you the best service around!